Brochure template created based on our previous style. One of the main problems we had with our previous layout was a restriction on text on the front page. I came up with a simpler layout that meant the amount of text on the front could vary (as comms staff may want more or fewer words than usual).
The style was created by myself and the rollout and images were created in conjustion with the other part-time designer in the Marketing department.

3 example eDMs made with my Marketo template

1 and 2-page 'Risk Articles', supplied to customers to help mitigate risky behaviours and situations
to avoid having to make a claim.

A small update to the RiskHQ logo, themed to each profession we insure. There are more in use, and some will reuse the same image eg. Both Dentists and Dental Prosthetists can use the same logo.

Annual report created for the new style. The report is for the overall Guild Group brand, which includes Guild Super, Acerta, Meridian Lawyers and Guild Insurance.

The birds campaign image within Blender